Monday, December 3, 2012


      My name is Amartuvshin.I was born in Selenge. I'm twenty years old . My birthday is on 28th of March.
I study in information communication technology university.
         Make a presentation including bibliography/references which will show your source of information gathered.
Details about the reliability of your information, why did you choose the source, and to what extent can you trust the source and why- e.g. a company report might be more upbeat about the situation of the company than an externally conducted analysis similarly. Similarly you might identify conflicting information from different newspapers on their political biases etc how did you get around this.
Leadership and management have been amongst the most studied and controversial topics of the study of business and management for the last century.  The body of theory which has grown up around the subject reflects the change in thought on management theory and can be distilled into a framework which shows the evolution f the ideas of what makes a good leader and management, and by proxy of this one can define with reference to the theory the key skills which need to be developed in order to produce good leaders.  Broadly there have been a number of movements in the thought on leadership and management, beginning with the ‘great man’ approach, defined in a number of studies on the history of leadership and management studies as the belief that leaders are exceptional people born to great innate abilities, this reflects the early school of militaristic styles of leadership, reflected in the organisation as a male dominated and hierarchical structures to business as a whole.  This data is drawn from two key studies, one a study of  the comparisons of more modern transformational leadership compared with previous styles, which allows one to assess the need for key innate personality traits, the other a modern study of an attempt to define a universal framework of leadership.  Both of these studies argue that a key part of the management and leadership of an organisation, despite the move from the great man approach, is still rooted in the idea of an inspirational character with innate abilities. 
These abilities have also been studied with some detail and indeed the evolutionary process in management thought moved from this point to study the traits that made an effective leader and manager.  The table shown below comes from an extensive study on the skills and traits of leaders, and is still used in theory to define those skills advantageous to leaders and managers.
           This move away from seeing the organization as more than a hierarchy with leaders at the top of the pile and workers as subservient to them is a dramatic change in management theory and suggests that in designing any effective leadership or management structure and training the type and classification of the organization and the people involved become central to the success.  Clearly this is demonstrated by a body of literature on the subject of behavioral management, and it is easy to see why the move become more popular than traditional management as it follows a move in the philosophy of management as a whole.  The behavioral School I still important, but the consensus has been that it cannot explain everything in the leadership and management paradigm.  Modern thought has centered on a contingency paradigm, which begins from the point that there is no one way to manage or lead, and the correct style is contingent on the nature of the organization, the external needs of the business and society and the internal needs of the workers and management.   A number of models have been produced, from ones dealing with social enterprise and the public sector, of which this example from the National College for School Leadership is an example of the types of leadership they have identified.
         “The International Masters Program in Practicing Management is designed to be the "Next Generation" Masters Program, combining management development with management education. It is a degree program that focuses directly on the development of managers in their own contexts - their jobs and their organizations. The IMPM is therefore deeper than conventional programs of management development and more applied than traditional degree programs. It was launched in March of 1996 to acclaim from participants and their companies alike, as well as from the international business press. 
      “The IMPM seeks to break the mould of the functional "silos" so common in management education - marketing, finance, organization behaviour, and so on. Instead, the Program is structured around managerial "mindsets", one for each module. It opens in Lancaster with managing in general and the reflective mindset in particular. Then it moves to McGill, where attention turns to Managing Organizations and the analytic mindset. Bangalore follows with Managing Context, the worldly mindset. In Japan, it takes up Managing Relationships, the collaborative mindset. The Program closes at INSEAD with Managing Change, the action mindset.
More detail is given about each of these mindsets by Mintzberg and Gosling
     It is argued that the good manager/leader must master and integrate each of these mindsets and so offers a more cognitive and reflective approach to management development than more traditional behaviour and skills-based programmes.” 
             In conclusion the recommendation of this presentation is to consider three areas of design.  Firstly to consider the criteria for considering an applicant’s needs and suitability, reflecting the traits, in relation to the needs and requirements of the organization, reflecting the contingency of the organization and society. Secondly to look closely at the needs of the organization, especially at the needs of subordinates and the overall strategic direction of the organization, which reflects both behavioral and the specific needs of the organization in relation with the external environment.  Lastly To examine the type of leadership needed, with specific reference to the examples from the public, private and professional examples given above, which show that the ideal leadership and management style is very specific to the sector in which the organization is based.


Sunday, December 2, 2012

New words:
Requirement- эрэлт хэрэгцээ
Global-бүх нийт
Irrespective-үр дүн
Enterprise-үйлдвэр аж ахуй
Several-хэд хэдэн
Legacy-үлдээсэн зүйл
Figure- гол  үүрэг гүйцэтгэх
Architecture-барилга байгууламж
Capability-тоног төхөөрөмж
Traffic-худалдаа хийх
Host-тоо томшгүй юм
Public-ард түмэн
Predecessors-урд талын хүн
Satellite-холбооны хиймэл дагуулаар дамжих   
Length-уртын хэмжээ
Concern-оролцоо харилцаа
Factor-хүчин зүйл