Friday, April 29, 2011

About my self

  My name is Amartuvshin.I was born  Selenge aimag Tsagaannuur soum. I’m seventeen years old. I was born in 1993. I’m tall and slim.I have got short hair and brown eyes. I haven’t job. I’m a student. I like play basketball and play tennis. My favourite singers are Ariunaa an Eminem, Justin babier. My favourite bands are Kiwi and Linkin Park, Kiwi’s members very beautiful. And I like listen to music,because I feel very nice things. I like horror movie. I have many movies. I watched a lot of movie. I have many friends. They are very friendly,all. We always meet. I go to in countryside in summer. I help my grandmother. I can’t speak in English.
But I want can speak in English. I can ride a horse. The horse is very friendly animal. I could ride a horse when I was ten years old. And I can play chess. Chess is very interesting sport. My future plan is happy life. I will be very good ingeneer.

Tipping in America

Americans take tipping more serious by than any other nationality and of all Americans no one takes tipping as seriously as hotel bellboys do.

Америкт цайны хүнд мөнгө өгдөг явдал уламжлагдан ирсээр өдийд байр сууриа олж, том буудлуудад хонх цохьдог хүмүүст цайны мөнгө өгдөг уламжлалтай. 

Tip your bellboy generously, and you’ll have the perfect holiday. Don’t tip him, and you’ll have the worst holiday of your life!

Амралтанд явахад цайны хүмүүс их тусладаг. Гэхдээ тйим биш,  чиний амьдралын муухай амралт байх болно!

Guest who don’t tip well at hotels often find that the heating in their room accidentally stops working in the middle of winter, or that they receive strange phone calls in the middle of the night.

Зочид буудал руу орж ирэнгүүт цайны хүмүүс тосон авч халуун өрөөнд оруулдаг ба өвөл ажил ихтэй болж шөнө хүлээн авагч утасдахыг нь хүлээдэг.

Sometimes the keys for their room disappear and it seems that no one can find the spare keys.

Заримдаа өрөөнүүдийн түлхүүр алга болох тохиолдол байдаг ба түүнийг олбол зүгээр өнгөрөөдөг. 

It’s a good idea to tip a bellboy at least $5 and, for tips of $20 or more, your bellboy will be your friend forever. So, anyone who is planning to stay in an American hotel should remember-bellboys can make sure you have the holiday of your dreams …..or they can make your visit a might mare!

Цайны хүмүүст өгдөг мөнгө багадаа 5 доллар, ихдээ 20 доллар байдаг ба цайны хүн чиний сайн найз байх болно. Гэхдээ америкийн мөрөөдлийн буудалд буусан хүн бүрийн төлөвлөгөөнд цайны хүмүүст бэлэг өгөх нь хар дарсан зүүд мэт байдаг.


U11: Ex7) 1.into 2.on 3.out of 4.around 5.for 6.along, in 7.towards 8.for
Ex8) 1.along 2.through 3.towards 4.up 5.past 7. Under 8.over 9.across 10.into
Ex10a): 2.quite 3.bright 4.strange 5.old 6.white 7.metal 8.sunny
b) 1.dummy 2.white 3.beatiful 4.happy 5.shocking
Ex14) 2.then 3.but 4.when 5.and 6.because
U12:Ex12) 1a 2c 3c 4c 5a 6a 7b
Ex13) Buses in Britain more safe.
Trains in Britain are the most safe of all.
Taxis in Britain are safe.
        Buses in Britain are the most comfortable.
        Taxis in Britain are the most comfortable of all.
        Trains in Britain in Britain are the comfortable than buses.
Ex16) 1.very noisy              5.much noisier
2. too noisy
3.quite noisy
4. very noisy
Ex17) 1.most 2.expensive 3.most 4.cheapest 6.quieter 7.cleanad 8.friendly 9.most
U13:Ex7) 1.She’s going to wash the car
2. She’s washing the car
3. She’s drink some orange juice
4. She’s drinking some orange juice
5. He’s have a both
6. He’s having a both
7. They is going play football
8.They is playing football
9. He’s going to paint the house
10. He’s paint the house
Ex8) 1c 2d 3a 4b 5e
2. She is going to join a gym because she wants to lose some weight.
She wants to lose some weight, So she is going to join in gym.
She is going to join in gym to lose some weight.
3. She is going to stop eating sweets because she wants to keep fit.
She want to keep fit, So She is going to a keep fit.
She is going to stop eating sweets to lose keep fit.
 4. She is going to study hard because she wants to pass his exams.
She want to pass his exams, So She is going to study hard.
She is going to study hard to lose some pass his exams.
5. She is going to learn English because she want to get a better job.
She want to get a better job, so she is going to learn English.
She is going learn English to lose some get a better job
Ex10) a) Sydney is sunny                c) 1. There
Tokyo is rainy                                     2.There
Seoul is windy                                    3. There
Harara is windy                                   4. It
Dublin is foggy                                    5.It
New York is windy
Warsaw is rainy
b) SA: Will it be sunny in Sydney tomorrow?
SB: No, it won’t
       SA: Will it be rainy in Tokyo tomorrow?
      SB: Yes, It will.

SA: Will it be sunny in Seoul  tomorrow?
SB: No, It won’t
      SA: Will it be sunny in Harara tomorrow?
      SB: No, it won’t.
SA: Will it be windy in New York tomorrow?
SB: Yes, it will.
        SA: Will it be windy Warsaw tomorrow?
        SB: No, it won’t.
U14:Ex16)  a)  B: Should                      d) A:can
                     B: shouldn’t                       B: can’t
                b) A:can                             e) B: must
                    B: can
                 c) B:must
Ex17) A-1, B-3, C-7, D-6, E-2,F-5,
U15:Ex7) 1. With 2.At 3. With 4.for, on 5.down
Ex15) 2) He is living Rome since 3 years.
          3) I not seen Jane for 10 years.
          4) I not travel  by plane for in 1987.
          5) They has been on holiday since last Monday.
Ex16) 1. Have you been                           10.have you went
2. arrived                                                 11.went
3.stayln                                                    12.have you been
4. are you stay                                 
5.have been                                                14.want
6. have you visited                                       15.have you try

7.visited                                                      16.went
8.went                                                you do
9. saw                                                         18.going

Monday, April 18, 2011


Ulaanbaatar is first largest city. It also home to half Mongolia population, and ger discreet.
The hotels in UB are more expensive than those in many other Ulaanbaaatar cities, but the are clean and safe. UB hotel is a five-star hotel in the centre of the down.
Place to visit
There are many interesting places you can visit, Natural history Museum-one of the most exciting museums in the world. Zaisan is 365 foot board. Zaisan in the beautiful.
Eating out
There are some famous  restaurants in BBQ chicken, too. Have lunch at one of the many restaurants in the food is delicious pizza or have a romantic dinner at the restaurants.
You can buy cheap fashion able clothes on the best Sunday. A visit there is always un forgettable .
The nightlife is exciting on the UB palace, a modern city with something for everyone. It’s in famous clubs, Then you can enjoy rock’n’ roll music.

Friday, April 8, 2011


1.What is this Penguins?
2.Where does it live?
3.How long is yhis trunk?
4.How tall is it?
5.How much does it weight?
6.How long does it love?
7.How long is it wing?
8.What is it colour?
9.What does it eat?
10.How many is it's tail?
11.What it it's tail like?
12They can swim?
13.What can it they?

Unit 10

A fairy-Tale Princess
1.    Diana Frances Spencer was born on 1st July, 1961, in Norfolk, England. Her father was Earl Spencer. She had two older sisters and a younger brother. Her parents divorced when she was a young girl. As a child, Diana studied at a boarding school in Kent. She completed her education in Switzerland. When she studied to England she worked as a nanny in London.

Диана гүнж францад Спенсэрд 1991,07,01нд Английн Норфолкд төрсөн. Түүний аав Ийрл Спенсэр. Тэр 2 эгч 1 дүүтэй.  Түүний эцэг эх нь түүнийг бага байхад нас барсан.  Хүүхэд байхдаа Диана Кэнт рүү хилийн чандад суралцахаар явсан. Тэр Швейцарт боловсрол эзэмшсэн.  Тэр Английн Лондонд буцаж ирээд асрагч эхээр ажилласан.

2.    Diana married Prince Charles in July, 1981, at St Paul’s Cathedral in London. People all around the world watched her wedding on television. Charles and Diana had two sons, William and Harry.

Лондонгийн Паулын сүмд 1981.07-р сард  Хнахүү Чарлитай хуримаа хийсэнв Бүх хүмүүс түүний хуримыг телевизээр үзсэнв Чарлис болон Диана Виллиам Харри гэсэн 2 хүүхэдтэй.

3.    Diana was very popular. The British loved her for her kindness and beauty. They called her “The people’s Princess” because she cared so much about sick and poor people all over the world. She once said “I see myself as Princess of Wales”. Reporters were always around her. She was their favourite person.

Диана маш алдартай байсан. Британчууд түүний сайхан сэтгэл болон гоо үзэсгэлэнд дуртай. Тэд түүнийг ард түмний гүнж гэж нэрлэсэн. Яагаад гэвэл тэр өвчтэй боолон ядуу хүмүүст санаа цовдог.

4.    But Diana’s life wasn’t as happy as it appeared. She and Charles had problems with their marriage. They finally discovered in August,1996.

Гэвч Дианагийн амьдрал тийм ч аз жаргалтай байгаагүй. Чарлис тэр 2ын хурим асуудалтай байсан. Тэгээд тэд 19960,сард салсан.

5.    Diana continued to travel round the world and help those in need. But her life was short - She died in a car accident on 31st August, 1997, in Paris. She was only 36 years old.

Диана дэлхийн эргэн тойронд ачлалаа үргэлжлүүлсэн ба тусламж хэрэгтэй үед тусладаг байсан.  Гэвч түүний амьдрал богинохон байсан. 1997,08,31нд Парист Автомашины онолоор тэр нас барсан. Тэр дөнгөж 36 настай байсан.

In the Public Eye
The band started with Howie Dorough, AJ Mclean and Nick Carter.

    Энэ хамтлагийг анх Хави-Дороу АЖ ММЛийн ник картер нар байгуулсан.

AJ worked as a model when he was six. He also acted in school plays. When he was 14, he got to know Howie.  Howie had roles in films and plays. They became friends and went to  auditions together. They met Nick at one of those auditions. Nick’s parents had a disco and Nick used to dance there. The three of them started singing together for a record company called Transcontinental records.

АЖ 6 настайдаа моделоор ажилладаг байсан. Тэр бас сургуульд бүжиглэдэг байсан. Тэн 16 настайдаа Хавиг мэддэг болсон.  Тэр кино жүжгийн гол дүрд нь тоглодог байсан.  Тэд найзууд болсон ба хамтдаа хэсэгчилсэн тоглолтонд явсан. Тэд эдгээр тоглолтуудын 1н дээр Никтнй таншлцсанв Никийн эцэг эх хувийн баартай байсан ба Ник тэнд бүжиглэдэг байсан. Тэр 3 Transcontinental гэдэг бичлэгийн газар  хамтдаа дуулж эхлэсэн.

The record company owber, Lou Perlman, had a friend who knew Kevin Richardson. Kevin had a job at Disney World in Orlando At the time. When Lou’s friend told Kevin about the new group. Lou wanted one more person for the group. The 50th member was Brian  Littrell, Kevin’s cousin.

Бичлэгийн газрын эзэн Лоу-Парлмэн нь Кэвин Ричардсоныг мэддэг найзтай байсан. Кэвин Орландогийн Дисней ворлдод цагийн ажил хийдэг байсан.Лоугийн найз Кэвинд Шинэ хамтлагийн тухай хэлэхэд Кэвин тэдэнтэй уулзахаар шийдсэн. Кэвин тэдэнтэй 1дэж тэд найзууд болсон.
Лоу хамтлагтаа дахиад 1  хүн нэмэхийг хүссэн. Хамтлагийн 5 дахь гишүүн нь Кэвиний үеэл Брайн Литтрелл байсан.

BSB released their first album in 1996, they received  their first gold record in Germany for this album. A second  album followed in late 1997.

БСБ 1996 онд анхны цомогоо гаргасан. Тэр цомогоороо Германд анхны “Gold record”-ийг авсан. 2 дох цомог нь 1997 оны сүүлээр гарсан.

BSB have got fans in many countries. Do you want to write to them? Their address is: Backstreet boys, Post Office box 618203 Orlanda, Fl 32861-8203.

БСБ олон улсад пенүүдтэй болсон. Тэдний хаяг: Backstreet boys, Post Office box 618203 Orlanda, Fl 32861-8203.


    U1:8)-Pablo is Spanish.He's from Madrid,Spain
-Jason is Canadian.He's from Ottawa,Canada.
-Ito is Japanese.He's from Tokyo,Japan.
-Thomas is Argentinian.He's from Buenos Aires,Argentina.
 Mike is America.He's from Washington DC,the USA.
-Costas is Greek.He;s from Ahens,Greece.
-Hans is Finnish.He's from Helsinki,Finland.
-Rico is Mexican.He's from Mexico City,Mexico.
Ali is Turkish.He's from Ankara,Turkey.
9) S1:Where Paris?
S2:I'm.France. It's the capital France.
S1:Where is Rome?
S2;I'm Italy. It's the capital Italy.
S1: Where is Warsaw?
S2:I'm Poland. It's the capital Poland
S1:Where is Budapest?
S2:I'm Hungary.It's the capital Hungary
S1;Where Moscow?
S2;I'm Russia. It's the capital Russia
S1; Where is Beijing?
S2:I'm China. It's the capital China.
10) 1 s 2 re 3 isn't 4 m 5 re 6 m'not 7 s 8 aren't
11)1.A:Is                    3.A are                       5.A: Is
B: isn't,is                      B: is                           B: S
2.A: Is                        4.A Is                         6.A: are
B: aren't,are                B: Isn't,is                     B: m
13)1g 2h 3e 4c 5b 6f 7a 8d
16)1.What is 2.Where 3.What's 4.How
17)1.short 2.yellow 3.years 4. tall 5. small 6. has 7.Do 10. Well
U2: 5) 1 hair 2eye 3 nose 4teeth 5 lips 6 chin 7mouth 8 ear
6) 1 short boy 2.fat girl 3.short hair 4.curly hair 5.fair hair 6.thin lips 7.small nose 8.small eyes
8)1.has,hasn't 2.has,has 3.has,has 4.has,have 5.have 6.has,has
15) -ham, -How old, - What's
U3: 8) 2.This is a desk and that is a chairs
3)This is a brush  And that is lamps.
4)This is a mirror and that is towels
10) -rug(T)       -cupboards(F)               -curtains(F)                      -pillows(F)
-sofa(F)            -race(T)                         -beds(F)
chairs(T)          -mirror(F)                      -flowers(T)
11)1.on 4.under 5. next to 6.behind 7.on to
12)1.on 2.on 3.behind to 5. next to 6.on 8.on
16)1. Do you want to rent a flat in this ares 2.How many 4.Can you spell it,please?
U4: 5a) 1.wife 2.daughter 3.aunt 4.niece 5.sister 6/ grandmother
7)I love camping             I don't like fishing
I like listen to pop           I hate playing
8)1.son's 2.Jenny;s 3. Tony and Pam's 4.Bob;s 5.Boy's
9) me,hem,my.her,their
12)2. Who is 3. Whose 4.Who is 6.him 7.whose 8.them 9.her 10.who is
16)1.Who's, my 2.your's, Sheila's 3.Whose, theirs 4. yours, ours 5.Tom and Julies's
U5: 9) 1.gets up 2.have breakfast 3.catches the bus 4.Have lunch her homework 6. watch TV 7.have a shower 8. go to bed
17) 3. at 8.on
U6: 5) 1.beak 2.feathers 3.fur 4.paws 5.ears 6.tail
10) 2.kittens 3.hen 4.chicks 6.puppies 8.ducklings
12) 1.What is this Penguins?                    8. What does it sat?
2. Where does it live?                               9.What is it's tail like?
3.How long is this drunk?                        10.They can swim?
4.How tall is it?
5.How much does it weigh?
6.How long it is wing?
7.How long is it's tail?
U7: 10)S1: What's the weather like in London today?       S1: What's the weather like Prague today?
S2:It's warm and windy.                                                   S2: It's snowy
S1:What's the temperature in Cairo today?                        S1:What's the temperature in Prague today?
S2:It's 10C. It;s 50F                                                        S2:It's -5C. It's 23F
   S1:What's the weather like Madrid today?                         S1:What's the weather like Rome today?
   S2;It's cloudy                                                                    S2: It;s cloudy
   S1:What;s the temperature in the Madrid today?                S1:What;s the temperature in Rome today?
   S2: It's 5C. It's 41F                                                           S2: It's 15C. It's 59F
S1:What's the weather like Manila today?                         S1:What's the weather like Singapore today?
S2;It;s sunny                                                                    S2: It's sunny
S1:What's the temperature in the Manila today?                S1; What's the temperature in Singapore today?
S2:It's 30C. It's 86F                                                        S2: It's 35C. It's 95F
    S1:What's the weather like Paris today?
    S2;It's snowy
    S1:What's the temperature in the Paris today?
    S2;It's 5C. It;s 41F
15)2.Wrong! Sue and Molly swimming.
3,Wrong! Ann listen to music
4.Wrong! Tony is music
5.Wrong! Jim and Lan playing
21)SA: What do you think of this dress?                      SA;What about these suit?
SB:Well. I think it's too long                                         SB: Oh no! They're too big
    SA:What do you think of the Jumper?
    SB: Oh no! think it;s light
SA:What do you think of this shirt?
SB:I think it's small
U8: 8) a honey, a rice, an egg, a flower, a water, A tomatoes, a coffee, some ham, some sandwich, a salt, a jam,  , some sugar, a butter, a pepper
9)2.loaf  3.piece 5.pasket 6.carton 7.slice 8,cup 9.bowl
U9: 7) front of 4. in 5.back 6.across 7.on
9)1.opposite 2. between 3. between 4. in front of 5. next to
U10: 11) 2.on,in 6.on 7.with 10.round

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

                                                              My one week

      I'm get's up at7:20 in the morning every week day . I gets dressed, then i have breakfast. I leaves home at about 8:00 and, catch the bus to school. I arrives at school at about 8:40 . I have lunch friends at school at 11:50, then has a few more lessons, School finishes at 15:00 and. I goes back home. I gets home at 16;40 o'clock. I do her home work then, at about 18;30 in the evening, has a dinner. After that, usually watch TV, listen to musik. At about 20;40, I have a shower, then i go to bed at about 23:00 o'clock.
P25: 4) 1 in 2 on 3 in 4 in 5 on
5) 1 There is a bed in the bedroom          5.There are  five of us in our family
    2 There is two books on the table        6.There is a notebook on the desk
    3 I get up at 7o'clock in the morning     7. There are a big lake in Scotland
    4 I live in UB                                       8. WE are 30members in our class
P32: 3)1b 2c 3c 4c 5c 6b 7b 8c 9b 10b
4) 1in 2in 3in 4on 5on 6in 7in 8in 9in
5) 1is,is 2 do you,don't 3hasn't,has 4 watches,listening 5 is,isn't 6 does,does 7 don't,get up 8 is,is
P33: 6) 1 her 2 my 3his 4she 5him 6hers
7) 1 son's 2lucky 3 girls 4 daughter's 5 father's
P47: 8) 1 lake 2long 3 dark 4monster 5trees 6 visit
P61:5a) 1 are 2eat 3live for 4have 5swim 6 weight 7 have got 8 for
b) 2 Where do they live?      5 How much to the weight
3 What do the eat                 6 Have the got small fin's
4 What can do you                7 How long do the live?
8) 1. because Sarah love cooking
2 .She work from ten o'clock until eight every the  Sarah isn't an early bird
3.MORNING-Her the starts at nine o'clock she get up,hes a shower and then drives to work
AFTERNOON-At half fast eleven,she has a break for lunch,then from twelve o'clock until five,she cooks for the customers
EVENING-The usually go to the cinema or a Chinese restaurant in the evening
4.In her free time,Sarah visits her parents goes fishing with her brother
5. She has got a great job and she Feels very happy with the way she lives.
P69: 5) the,the,the,an,an,the,the,an,the,a,the,a
P89: 6) 1.were(because) 2.were 3.were(when) 4. seen 5.don't know(but) 6.recognised 7.were(and) 8.explained 9.said 11.wanted 12.promise(so) 13.asks
8) 1.many 2.longest 3.while 4.large 5.serious
P91:3) 1.on 4.with
8)1b 2f 3a 4a 5c 6d
P111:  8) 1.through 2.near 4.down 5.of 6/in 7.into